FHR is an Elwyn affiliated organization.
Delaware Services

Our Services in Delaware

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
Mobile multi-disciplinary teams provide intensive treatment, rehabilitation, and supportive services for individuals experiencing multiple life challenges, such as homelessness, unemployment, addictive disorders, legal involvement, and/or significant medical conditions. ACT uses a team approach to give consumers ongoing individualized care in their homes, where they work, and in other settings in the community where support is needed. The goal of an ACT team is to reduce the amount of time spent in institutional settings and to help individuals become more integrated within their community.

Georgetown: 302-752-1783

Outpatient Mental Health and Counseling Services
Licensed professionals conduct individual assessments and develop personalized treatment plans. Individuals are seen by a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse practitioner for medication management. Individual and group therapy are available.

Referrals for this program can be made by contacting the phone numbers below, as well as by state hospitals and doctor’s offices in the community.

Georgetown: 302-854-0626 


Residential/Group Living Programs
Affordable housing and 24-hour, on-site professional staffing offer supportive services and supervision.

Referrals for this program are made by the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DHSS). To contact this division, call 302-255-9458 or visit http://dhss.delaware.gov/dsamh/.


Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program (SAIOP)
An individual and group-focused, non-residential program for adults providing intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment and secondary mental health treatment.

Click here to meet our team.

Georgetown: 302-854-0626

Peer Recovery Services 
Peer recovery services are offered by persons with lived experience, who help support individuals served by FHR become and stay engaged in the recovery process. These supports include one-on-one and group therapy discussion groups, as well as wellness-based trainings.

Peer recovery services are inclusive within all FHR adult programming in Delaware.


Studio 35 
Studio 35 is a therapeutic arts program of FHR. Studio 35 enables individuals to further explore the arts, art history, coping skills, and self-expression. By integrating the arts as a therapeutic approach, Studio 35 positively impacts individuals served, staff, and the greater community. This therapeutic arts program helps individuals become more engaged in the community, reduces isolation, improves stabilization, and teaches both vocational and arts based skills.

Participation in Studio 35 is available through all of FHR’s programming in Delaware.