FHR is an Elwyn affiliated organization.
Pennsylvania Services

Our Services in Pennsylvania

Blended Case Management Services
Staff support individuals in the development of resources to assist them in their recovery, such as finding housing, applying for benefits, and educational and vocational opportunities.


Outpatient Mental Health Services
Mental health professionals conduct individual assessments and develop personalized treatment plans for individuals recovering from behavioral health challenges or co-occurring disorders. Individuals are seen by a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse practitioner for medication management and are provided medication education and peer support through the Decision Support Center. Individual, group, family, and couples therapy are available. Mobile mental health services provide an array of services for individuals who have encountered barriers to, or have been unsuccessful in, receiving services in a traditional outpatient setting.

Mobile Mental Health Treatment
This program provides therapy and medication management to adults 21+ in the community. Individuals served include those with chronic medical issues which impact mobility, individuals frequently in and out of the inpatient hospital and that have difficulty with engaging in traditional outpatient services, as well as individuals who experience an increase in symptoms such as anxiety, depression and paranoia that make it difficult to leave the home. 

Psychiatric Rehabilitation (Site-based and Mobile)
Staff members assist individuals in a wide variety of skill development, including social skills, health and wellness, education, and employment. A mobile psychiatric rehabilitation component expands the location of service to include each individual’s home and community to address needs in the appropriate setting.


Peer Recovery Services
Peer recovery services are offered by persons with lived experience, who help support individuals served by FHR become and stay engaged in the recovery process. These supports include one-on-one and group therapy discussion groups, as well as wellness-based trainings.


Studio 35
Studio 35 is a therapeutic arts program of FHR. Studio 35 enables individuals to further explore the arts, art history, coping skills, and self-expression. By integrating the arts as a therapeutic approach, Studio 35 positively impacts individuals served, staff, and the greater community. This therapeutic arts program helps individuals become more engaged in the community, reduces isolation, improves stabilization, and teaches both vocational and arts based skills.


*For more information regarding referrals, please contact our office at 610-415-9301 and follow the voicemail prompts to schedule a first appointment.